Today a design that was strongly based on the one below, so all the credit goes to A friend of mine noticed this design and suggested it to me. Coincidentally, I had recently acquired some nail art brushes, and I hadn’t tried out the one used in this design yet. The brush is a […]
Month: February 2015
World Cup: Holland-Chile
Since I am now infected with the crazy-soccer-support-disease (just like my friends, we actually watch the game separately but comment on everything via Whatsapp), I have a second World Cup design for you! Tomorrow Holland plays Chili, so I thought why not make a fun flag design? These countries’ flags are especially suited for this […]
World Cup!
This design is for all fans of (inter)national soccer, since the World Cup championships have begun again. Obviously this nail art was designed for the Dutch team, since even I become slightly nationalistic during this time. I watched the first game ‘our’ team played and it was incredible! I think I’ve never seen the score […]
Purple vs. White
Today’s design is very easy. You basically need three different colours, throwing in a glitter is optional. The colours I used are: OPI – Alpine Snow China Glaze – Fancy Pants China Glaze – Fairy Dust L’OrĂ©al – Flashing Lilac Please note that Fancy Pants shows up blue on the photos, but in real life, […]
Quatrefoil Strawberry/Vanilla
This design is inspired by a design created by MissJenFabulous (see here), so all the credit goes to her. However, I didn’t feel like using the colours black and silver, like she did, so I decided to change things up a bit. I added some glitter as well, just for good measure. Here are some […]
Mirror Mirror
A few weeks ago, I received a package I have been excited about for a long time: a nail polish that is supposed to give your nails a mirror-like effect. It comes with a special nail file with two different sides. Both sides are used before polishing, but have to be used in a specific […]
This time, while I was trying to figure out what design to create next, I was thinking about doing something with the famous Mondriaan colours and lines or with the wonderful flowers designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. However, I realised that a lot of those nail art designs are already available, so I decided to […]
Penny Polish
Time for a Big Bang Theory-inspired design! Who doesn’t love the adventures of Penny, Sheldon and the others? Remember the episode where Sheldon helps Penny to set up her own little company of making the cute barrettes she called Penny Blossoms? Well, these are no Penny Blossoms, but they are certainly just as cool! I […]